Tutorial: myXCLASSMapRedoFit function

This function offers the possibility to redo one or more so called pixel fits of a previous myXCLASSMapFit run. The function performs fits for the selected pixels and recreates the different parameter maps using the new optimized parameter values.


Input parameters:

  • JobNumber: job number of a previous myXCLASSMapFit run which should be improved.

  • PixelList: list of all pixel coordinates which should be re-fitted.

  • NumberIteration: max. number of iterations (default: 50).

  • AlgorithmXMLFile: only necessary, if the user wants to use another fit algorithm (than Levenberg-Marquardt) for fitting. Therefore, the path and name of a MAGIX xml-file describing settings for an algorithm or algorithm chain has to be given. (A relative path has to be defined relative to the current working directory!)

  • MolfitsFileName: path and name of the extended molfit file, including the source size, the rotation temperature the column density, the velocity width, the velocity offset and the flag indicating if the current component is considered for core c or foreground f.

  • experimentalData:   This parameter offers the possibility to use a new experimental xml-file suitable for MAGIX for the selected pixel(s), where new settings for each frequency range (e.g. background temperature and slope) can be defined. For that purpose the parameter experimentalData has to define the path and name of the new xml file. Please note, the myXCLASSMapRedoFit function does not consider the tags <FileNamesExpFiles> and <ImportFilter> because these tags has been defined by the previous myXCLASSMapFit run.

  • Threshold: defines a threshold for a pixel. If the spectrum of a pixel has an max. intensity lower than the value defined by this parameter the pixel is not fitted (ignored). Please note, the value for the Threshold parameter has to be given in the same unit than the spectrum in the FITS file.

The following parameters can be used to update the settings of the already existing experimental xml-files which were used in the previous myXCLASSMapFit run: (Please note, in order to use the following parameters the parameter experimentalData must not be defined, i.e. experimentalData = "".)

  • FreqMin:  new start frequency of simulated spectrum (default: 0).

  • FreqMax: new end frequency of simulated spectrum (default: 0).

  • t_back_flag (T/F): defines, if the user defined background temperature T_bg and temperature slope T_Slope given by the input parameters tBack and tslope describe the continuum contribution completely (t_back_flag = T) or not (t_back_flag = F) (default: T).

  • tBack background temperature (in K), (default: 0).

  • tslope temperature slope (dimensionless), (default: 0).

  • nH_flag: (T/F), defines, if column density, spectral index for dust and kappa are given by the molfit file (F) or if nH_flag is set to T, the following three parameters define the hydrogen column density, spectral index for dust and kappa for all components (default: F):

    • N_H: (has to be given only if nH_flag is set to T) Hydrogen column density (default: 0).

    • beta_dust: (has to be given only if nH_flag is set to T) spectral index for dust (default: 0).

    • kappa_1300: (has to be given only if nH_flag is set to T) kappa (default: 0.01).

  • iso_flag: use isotopologues (T/F). If iso_flag is set to T isotopologues defined in the iso ratio file are used (default: F).

  • IsoTableFileName (has to be given only if iso_flag is set to T): path and name of an ASCII file including the iso ratios between certain molecules. If no file name is given (default), the so-called iso-flag is set to F.

Output parameters:

  • None



  • re-fit the pixels (83.201, −15.1345) and (83.111, −15.221) of the previous myXCLASSMapFit run with job number 1234 using the molfit file stored at "demo/myXCLASSMapFit/CH3OH.molfit".
    #In CASA:
    JobNumber = 1234
    PixelList = [[83.201 , -15.1345] , [83.111 , -15.221]]
    NumberIteration = 10
    AlgorithmXMLFile = ""
    MolfitsFileName = "demo/myXCLASSMapFit/CH3OH.molfit"
    experimentalData = ""
    Threshold = 0.0
    FreqMin = 0.0
    FreqMax = 0.0
    t_back_flag = True
    tBack = 0.95
    tslope = 0.0
    N_H = 3.0E+24
    beta_dust = 2.0
    kappa_1300 = 0.02
    iso_flag = True
    IsoTableFileName = "demo/myXCLASSMapFit/iso_names.txt"