Tutorial: Download and Installation


You need to have a working XCLASS installation.

Download the tutorial here.



Unpack the zip file somewhere. In order to use XCLASS without CASA we strongly recommend to define the XCLASSRootDir environment variable, i.e. to add the following line to your bashrc (or bash_profile):

export XCLASSRootDir="path-to-XCLASS"

Here the phrase "path-to-xclass" describes the absolute path of the XCLASS directory.


Note, using XCLASS without CASA requires the installation of the following packages: numpy (version 1.11.1 or newer), scipy (version 0.17.0 or newer), pyfits (version 3.3 or newer) (astropy, version 0.4.2 or newer)), matplotlib (version 1.5.3 or newer) and sqlite3 (version 2.6.0 or newer).