Tutorial: MAGIX function

The function starts the MAGIX program.


Input parameters:

  • MAGIXExpXML: path and name of the experimental xml-file.

  • MAGIXInstanceXML: path and name of the instance xml-file

  • MAGIXFitXML: path and name of the xml file controlling the fitting process

  • MAGIXRegXML: path and name of the so-called registration xml file containing the description of the input and output files of the external model program

  • MAGIXOption: option for the MAGIX run (default is ""):
    • "" (default): all informations are printed out to the screen
    • quiet: no informations are printed to the screen except warning and error messages
    • plotsaveonly: MAGIX disables the interactive GUI of matplotlib but creates all plots and saves them into files
    • debug: Stop MAGIX after the first function call. This flag can be very helpful to analyze problems occurring with the call of the external model program.

Output parameters:

  • JobDir: absolute path of the job directory created for the current run.



  • list all transitions within given frequency range
    # In CASA:
    MAGIXExpXML = "path-to-XCLASS/demo/MAGIX/TwoOscillators_RefFit_R.xml"
    MAGIXInstanceXML = "path-to-XCLASS/demo/MAGIX/parameters.xml"
    MAGIXFitXML = "path-to-XCLASS/demo/MAGIX/Levenberg-Marquardt_Parameters.xml"
    MAGIXRegXML = "path-to-XCLASS/Fit-Functions/Drude-Lorentz_conv/xml/Conventional_Drude-Lorentz.xml"
    MAGIXOption = " "
    JobDir = MAGIX()


    Start function MAGIX:
    Creating job directory for current myXCLASS run: path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/ .. done!
    All files of the current MAGIX run are stored here!
    Copy instance xml-file to MAGIX temp directory path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/ .. done!
    Copy algorithm xml-file to MAGIX temp directory path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/ .. done!
    Copy experimental xml-file to MAGIX temp directory path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/ .. done!
    Make paths of all data files defined in the experimental xml-file absolute .. done!
    Copy all experimental data file(s) defined in the experimental data file to MAGIX temp directory path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/ and modify xml-file .. done!
    Create io-control xml-file .. done!
    Read i/o control file.
    	 Open control file: path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/io_control.xml
    	 Reading control parameters .. done!
    	 experimental_data:   path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/TwoOscillators_RefFit_R.xml
    	 parameter_file:      path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/parameters.xml
    	 fit_control:         path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/Levenberg-Marquardt_Parameters.xml
    	 fit_log:             path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/fit.log
    	 model_description:   path-to-xclass/programs/MAGIX/Fit-Functions/Drude-Lorentz_conv/xml/Conventional_Drude-Lorentz.xml
    Import experimental file using settings declared in the xml-file.
    	 Open xml-file: path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/TwoOscillators_RefFit_R.xml for experimental file import.
    	 Reading file ..
    	 Import settings:
    	 NumberExpFiles =  1
    	 Experimental file number:  1
    	 FileNamesExpFiles[0] = path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/TwoOscillators_RefFit_R.dat
    	 NumberExpRanges[0]   = 1
    	 MinExpRange[0][0]    = [50.0]
    	 MaxExpRange[0][0]    = [1000.0]
    	 Reading ASCII-file path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/TwoOscillators_RefFit_R.dat .. done!
    	 File Nr.:  1
    		 LengthExpRange[1] = 950
    		 ExpDataX[1][0] = [ 50.]
    		 ExpDataX[1][LengthExpRange] = [ 1000.]
    		 ExpDataY[1][0] = [ 0.09108]
    		 ExpDataY[1][LengthExpRange] = [ 0.04392]
    Read the xml-file containing the start values for the fit process.
    	 Open xml-file: path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/parameters.xml
    	 Reading file .. done!
    	 FitParametersNumber =  8
    	 FitParameters =  [[2.5, 2, 150.0, 200.0, 10.0, 600.0, 400.0, 10.0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1], ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'], ['10', '100', '1000', '1000', '1000', '1000', '1000', '1000']]
    	 FitParameterName =  ['EpsilonInfinity[[1]]', 'NumberOscillators[[1]]', 'EigenFrequency[[1]]', 'PlasmaFrequency[[1]]', 'Damping[[1]]', 'EigenFrequency[[2]]', 'PlasmaFrequency[[2]]', 'Damping[[2]]']
    Start fit process.
    	 Open fit-control file: path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/Levenberg-Marquardt_Parameters.xml
    	 Reading fit control parameters .. done!
    	 NumberOfFitAlgorithms:    1
    	 algorithm:                levenberg-marquardt
    	 Special algorithm settings: [2, 0.001]
    	 chilm:                    1e-07
    	 numrange:                 0
    	 numiter:                  20
    	 NumberProcessors:         8
    	 MPI host file:            
    	 DeterminationChi2:        default
    	 PlotOption:               ['normal', 'Frequency [cm$^{-1}$]', 'Reflectance', 'z-axis', 'no']
    	 Renormalized Chi^2:       yes
    	 Read the xml-description of the input and the output file of the chosen fit-function module.
    	 Open xml-description stored in file: path-to-xclass/programs/MAGIX/Fit-Functions/Drude-Lorentz_conv/xml/Conventional_Drude-Lorentz.xml
    	 The maximum number of groups in the registration file is set to MaxNumberOfGroups =  100
    	   If you use more groups in the registration file, please increase the variable MaxNumberOfGroups
    	   defined in line 2339 of the file Modules/magix-parts_python/FittingEngine.py
    	 Reading registration xml-file .. done!
    	 The defined number of processors (8) 
    	 is larger than the number of available processors (4). 
    	 Reduce number of processors to the number of available processors.
    	 Number of Processors: 4 
             Writing registration mask for the fit model .. done!
             Temporary files are stored in: /dev/shm/moeller/job_69253430/
             Start Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (SMP version) ..
               Renormalized limit for chi^2 =     9.3300000000E-05
               Using Numerical Recepies (NR) version!
               Iteration:                    chi^2:     alamda:     Parameter:
                        1     4.146650256764262E+00      1.E-04     1.973139158621755E+02,  2.691634682529142E+01,  3.719163886497902E+02,  1.770052027955023E+01
                        2     4.178855603288089E-01      1.E-05     1.593575801137591E+02,  3.086922078226792E+01,  3.082618459792574E+02,  6.633931189934566E+00
                        3     3.633119684738698E-01      1.E-06     1.167476687848677E+02,  5.935681163029031E+00,  3.034480633797393E+02,  6.041813366709920E+00
                        4     2.133661374780669E-02      1.E-07     1.196559531025190E+02,  9.564833528160545E+00,  3.029946162886080E+02,  5.998968424569728E+00
                        5     1.387108605852744E-04      1.E-08     1.200305177227736E+02,  1.089147791310344E+01,  3.029968834414155E+02,  5.999876575616630E+00
                        6     1.272858321597434E-08      1.E-09     1.200007923676226E+02,  1.099958426126912E+01,  3.029998376378692E+02,  6.000008057595156E+00
               Iteration stopped. chi^2 (=1.272858321597434E-08) dropped below limit = 9.329999999999999E-05
               Sorting chi2-log file .. done!                                                                                                                        
             Finished Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm!
    Write values of the fit function to files.
    	 Writing data to ASCII file path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/TwoOscillators_RefFit_R.LM.out.dat .. done!
    	 Writing chi^2 values to file path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/TwoOscillators_RefFit_R.LM.out.chi2.dat .. done!
    Write optimized model parameter to file.
    	 Open xml-file: path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/parameters.LM.out.xml
    	 Writing file .. done !
    Program finished!
    All files of the current MAGIX run are stored in the MAGIX job directory: path-to-xclass/run/MAGIX/job__14-06-2017__21-57-06__69257140/